Test Purpose:
To allow TBMCS Afloat systems for CSGs and ARG/MEU/ESGs the
opportunity to provide monthly training to their TBMCS System Administrators.
Training will focus on SYSADs; however; to complete the test a qualified TBMCS
operator is required. The SYSAD training will focus on configuring and testing
remotes into a TBMCS Managed domain. The remote client on an Afloat TBMCS ship
will point their system at the Primary Site TBMCS Server (TTGP
The following dates are scheduled test
To schedule a test contact CDR
CDR Kyle Weaver (Strike Syndicate
LCDR John Duarte (JASC Instructor)
OS1 David Hawkins (JASC Instructor/TBMCS Operator)
Mr. Ross “Bosco” Dickerson (JASC
Mr Mike Storey (JASC/JADOCS
Mr. James “Jimbo” MacMaster (JASC
Instructor/Senior Systems Administrator)
E-mail addresses:
CDR Kyle Weaver
SIPR weaverk@ttgp.navy.smil.mil
NIPR Kyle.weaver@navy.mil
SIPR duartej@ttgp.navy.smil.mil
NIPR john.duarte@navy.mil
OS1 David Hawkins
SIPR David.hawkins@ttgp.navy.smil.mil
NIPR David.o.hawkins@navy.mil
Mr. Ross
SIPR dickersonr@ttgp.navy.smil.mil
NIPR ross.dickerson.ctr@navy.mil
Mr. Mike Storey
SIPR mike.storey.ctr@navy.smil.mil
NIPR mike.storey.ctr@navy.mil
Mr. James MacMaster
SIPR macmasterj@ttgp.navy.smil.mil
NIPR James.macmaster.ctr@navy.mil
JASC Classroom
- COM: (619) 553-8222
/ DSN: 553-8222
CDR Kyle Weaver - COM: (619) 553-8805
/ DSN: 553-8805
LCDR John Duarte
- COM: (619) 221-5206
/ DSN: 251-5206
OS1 Dave Hawkins
- COM:
553-0780 / DSN: 553-0780
Mr. Ross Dickerson
- COM: (619) 553-7893
/ DSN: 553-7893
Mr. Mike Storey - COM: (619) 221-5206 / DSN: 251-5206
Mr. James MacMaster
- COM: (619) 553-7893
/ DSN: 553-7893
- COM: (619) 553-4731
/ DSN: 553-4731
Who we are, what we do:
Currently TACTRAGRUPAC employs two
(2) full time active duty officers (CDR/Lt Col (USAF)) and one full time active
duty enlisted (OS2) to conduct TBMCS and JFACC-related training. Training is
either conducted in an orchestrated classroom environment, located on the
premises, or at a requesting unit’s home location (i.e. CVNs, WOCs, Schoolhouse,
etc.). Tailored course instruction has been and will continue to be arranged on
a case-by-case basis to requesting fleet units. We also offer Afloat TBMCS units
the opportunity to participate in monthly TBMCS Connectivity Checks. We can also
assist in coordinating TBMCS Connectivity Checks with USAF CAOCs. For more information please see our JASC page.