1. Methods to send visit requests:
A. Primary.
DISS: TTGP SMO is 539966. List purpose of visit, specific dates (no annual visit requests), and TTGP Technical POC (name of the person at TTGP in charge of the event along with their phone number.
B. Secondary.
FAX: (619) 553-0063,
DSN: 553-8329, or
Commanding Officer, TACTRAGRUPAC
53720 Horizon Drive
San Diego, CA 92147
2. Confirmation for receipt of clearance/visit requests: (619) 553-8329. For DISS requests:
3. Visit requests are to be sent for specific events. Blanket “Command visit requests” or blanket “Command permanent certifications” will not be accepted unless discussed with and approved by TTGP SECMGR.
4. Badging for ALL courses, meetings, conferences and “other events” sponsored by TTGP will be conducted in Building 61 (At Main Gate). The only exception to this is for the JMTC Course, which is badged in building 58.