Amphibious Commander Training I (ACT I) Course

Course CIN/CDP:


Security Clearance Required:    SECRET

Length:    5 Days

For Additional Information Contact:

DSN: 553-8360

COM: (619) 553-8360

Course Description:

ACT I is the academic primer for the ARG's command and control structure that trains the ARG/MEU staff and warfare Commanders in a seminar-type forum, focusing on primary mission areas including amphibious warfare, Joint operations, and MSO/MIO. This course includes ARG/MEU Composite Warfare Commander responsibilities and processes and operational battle rhythm. The course also provides a forum for ARG/MEU leadership to discuss the MOU that describes the supported/supporting relationships within key blue/green mission sets.


ARG-MEU Staffs, senior decision-makers, all Warfare Commanders and staffs, primary staff planners, TACRON air mission planners/TBMCS users, and key staff that attend major battle rhythm meetings.
